CageList Hosting 101


Last Update 8 個月前

What happens after my listing gets published?

Now we want to help you get it booked out as often as possible and make you money!

  • Read about tips from other batting cage owners and ask questions by joining our Backyard Batting Cages facebook group
  • Share your listing on the Facebook marketplace or other classified services
  • Respond quickly when you get messages from a potential cage users

How will I know if someone wants to rent my batting cage?

You’ll receive an email if a cage user requests to book your batting cage or sends you a message.

A cage user requested to reserve my batting cage! Now what?

After you receive a booking request, you have 24 hours to approve or decline the request. Cage users are typically wanting to book a cage the same day, so make sure to respond quickly to your booking requests.

How does the cage user pay?

The cage user has already paid for the batting cage booking when they request to reserve your cage. For your safety and protection, we require payment through CageList.

How and when will I be paid?

After approving a reservation, you’ll be automatically paid via direct deposit by CageList approximately every 7 days. Be sure to Connect your bank account if you have not already done so.

Should I share my phone number or address?

Do not share your address, phone number or other contact information. After you approve a reservation, the renter will be sent your welcome message, entry instructions, address, and phone number. This helps to avoid risk of fraud or harassment.

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