What should I include in my listing?
Last Update 8 months ago
Your cage listing description should be an accurate description of the facility, equipment, how it is typically used, and what players/coaches can expect. Our community loves discovering new batting cage facilities, and the more detailed you can be in your listing, the more booking requests you will receive.
You can also mention and detail additional add-ons you would like to include, ie: rental baseballs, bats, etc.
If you have any additional facility rules, expectations, booking terms, cancellation policy info, etc, please make sure to include them in your listing under “Additional Rules” as well.
It is also best practice to post your rules of your facility visibly at your facility entrance and/or somewhere visible so users can be reminded of your rules and/or expectations.
The clearer you are with your rules and expectations, the more trust you will be able to achieve and the safer and better experience you and your users will have.